Art Activities

Art activities are multi sensory engaging activities that both support and enhance lessons and circle time discussions.  They support busy hands, help to develop hand eye coordination and abstraction, and are a pure form of expression for developing minds.  In this section we have divided much of our art activities based on seasonality, which, depending on the part of the world you are reading this, can be a very different reality.  Nonetheless, the range of art activities is vast, and ever changing, so think of these examples as inspiration for your own creations.

Preliminary Art

Every project has an approach, and the key is understanding what your options are. Do we celebrate the Fall harvest with watercolor impressionism? Can we teach our kids about forests with used TP rolls and paper scraps? The answer is yes. Art is the foundational way for students to explore their creativity and expression, and a conversation piece to beautify the environment of school and home. But, first we have to explore all the foundational methods we can employ in the classroom. These preliminary exercises are designed to help students become familiar with the methods and the mediums.

Fall Art Activities

As we begin the school year in the Fall, students are invited to participate in activities designed to get to know themselves and their classmates. All about me projects, and preliminary art activities help to set the stage for holiday based art and curriculum based learning. Here in the Pacific NW of the United States, we have traditional holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving, but also watching the world change around us inspires art to reflect the vibrant colors we see. It is a time to celebrate the harvest of wonderful seed pods and leaves that are brimming with color and texture. Let’s put those busy hands to work!

Winter Art Activies

Winter is the time to create art that helps us understand the change in temperature, daylight, and weather that we see outside. Holidays like Christmas and Valentines day allow students to focus on giving gifts, performing acts of kindness, and creating friendships in their environment. In some parts of the world, the weather outside will make art projects a necessary component of the daily routine. Projects incorporating sun catchers, snowflakes cut outs, and recycled materials can provide a fun way to stay warm and still keep those hands busy and minds active. Winter is a great time to experiment and prepare, while also being concious of the conditions outside.

Spring Art Activities

Spring is the time of renewal as we start to see the days gradually growing longer, and pockets of sunny days and weeks begin to emerge. This season extends all the way to the end of the traditional school year, and it is packed with opportunities for art projects to mirror lessons about the world, it’s cultures, and many life forms within. Mother’s and Father’s day projects are a must, and students love the opportunity to spend time creating something really special to take home and celebrate their parent’s special day.

Summer Art Activities

Summer, with all it’s sunshine and warmth means that outside activities are a must! At Nature Song Montessori, we begin our Summer program with weekly changes in theme and projects that reflect some our successes throughout the year. Exploration of famous artists like Monet and Seurat fill our classroom with splashes of color and energy. Students are invited to create theatrical sock puppets and write stories that they can act out in their very own cardboard stage. Summertime is to be celebrated, and messy art exploration is encouraged – paint with bubbles, bake dishes with edible flowers, and wear crowns of wildflowers!