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    Geometric Cabinet

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  • 12 Lessons

    Geometric Solids

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    Grating is a practical life exercise that aims to teach students about conservation, and their relationship to the greater environment around them. Exercises like these are a great way to engage students with food exercises, while teaching them concentration and fine motor skills.

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    Greeting Someone at the Door

    During the first week in a Montessori classroom, students are shown a number of demonstrations to set the stage for conduct by both students and teachers. Modeling basic behavior like greeting someone at the door is an interactive way for students to learn a peaceful approach to an every day action they perform.

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    Growth Cycle of a Bean

    This content is for Guide members of the School of Montessori. This is a Premium membership category and will be unavailable for the Basic (free)…
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    Hand Washing

    Learning to keep ourselves clean is a critical tool for the health and safety of the classroom. Hand washing is one of the first things students do when they enter into the classroom, however this exercise is aimed at practicing this behavior and can be a fun addition to water work in the practical life area of the classroom.

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    Hemisphere Map

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    Hundred Board

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    Hundred Chain

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    Introduction to Digraphs

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    This content is for Guide members of the School of Montessori. This is a Premium membership category and will be unavailable for the Basic (free)…
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    Knobbed Cylinders

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    Knobbed Puzzles

    Puzzles are a great introductory exercise that allow students to match shapes and contour using their sense of sight and touch. The pincer grip is introduced with Knobbed Puzzles to refine a child's control of movement, hand eye coordination, and sense of independence. This preliminary activity is a prerequisite for matching, transferring, comparing, and carrying exercises throughout the other areas of the classroom. The Sensorial Knobbed Cylinders will become a familiar extension to this activity as the child becomes more connected to the environment.

  • 3 Lessons

    Knobless Cylinders

    The Knobless Cylinders are the next step in the long series of visual discrimination tools in the early sensorial work.  This work consists of four boxes, each corresponding to one of the blocks in the Knobbed Cylinder set.  As each foundational concept is introduced, this set of materials aims to allow the child a greater visual and tactile discernment of small/large, tall/short, wide/skinny, and thick/thin.

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    Ladybug Symmetry

    This content is for Guide members of the School of Montessori. This is a Premium membership category and will be unavailable for the Basic (free)…
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    Land Air Water

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    Land Air Water

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    Leaf Form Insets

    This content is for Guide members of the School of Montessori. This is a Premium membership category and will be unavailable for the Basic (free)…
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    Long Red Rods

    The Long Red Rods or Red Rods are an iconic sight in a Montessori classroom.  This material is a set of 10 rods with the shortest being 10 cm, and the longest being 100 cm.  Each rod increases in length by 10 cm, and the child, by working with them, is able to increase their sense of visual acuity and differentiation.  After the initial presentation, one of the very familiar activities you will see is the construction of mazes that the child (and fellow classmates) will carefully walk through.