Lesson 11 of 19
In Progress

Box Three – First Presentation

Collin January 14, 2022
  1. Invite the child to the shelf and introduce the material.
  2. Carry the box to the rug in the usual manner and place it in the upper right corner of the rug.
  3. Remove the lid.  Place the box on the lid.
  4. Re-introduce the name, then remove the contents of the box and place them randomly on the rug as in the other boxes.
  5. Tilt the box forward and indicate that it is empty.
  6. Match the Yellow Equilateral Triangle with the three Yellow Obtuse angled Isosceles Triangles that have their lines on the long side.
    1. Trace the left side of the Equilateral Triangle and the dark line of the Obtuse Isosceles Triangle.
  • Match lines and slide the Isosceles Triangle down the side of the Equilateral Triangle.
  • Trace the double line. Trace the right side of the equilateral and the dark line of the second isosceles.
  • Match lines and slide the Isosceles Triangle down the side of the Equilateral Triangle.
  • Trace the double line. Trace the bottom of the equilateral triangle, and the dark line of the third Isosceles. 
  • Match lines and slide the dark line of the Isosceles Triangle along the bottom of the Equilateral Triangle.
  • Slide the hexagon to the upper left corner of the rug.
  • Match the three Obtuse Angled Isosceles Triangles with the lines on the equal sides.
    • Follow the procedure as the same triangle in the Triangular Box. Trace both lines of each triangle, starting with the left one, going left to right.
  • Now trace the left line of the middle triangle.  Trace the right side of the left triangle.  Rotate the left triangle to match the lines traced, and trace the double line.
  • Trace the lines exposed from left and middle triangles together, starting from the top.  Trace the third triangle, left side, then right side.  Rotate the right triangle to match the lines, then trace the double line.
  • Slide triangle up to the right of the hexagon.
  • Match the Red Obtuse Angled Isosceles Triangle with the line on the long side.
    • Trace the line on the left triangle, trace line on the right triangle.  Rotate the right triangle to match the left. 
  • Trace the double line.
  • Slide the rhombus to the right of the yellow triangle.
  • Match the lines of the Gray Obtuse angled Isosceles Triangles.
    • Trace the black line on the left triangle, and trace the black line on the right triangle.
  • Rotate the right triangle to match lines, and trace the double line.
  • Slide the parallelorgram to the right of the rhombus.