Lesson 18 of 19
In Progress

Box Five – First Presentation

Collin January 14, 2022
  1. Invite the child to work with Box One and Box Five of the Constructive Triangles.
  2. Have the child bring Box One and Box Five to the rug, place the boxes at the top right corner of the rug.  Five below the One.  Have the child build Box One at the top of the rug as before.
  3. Bring Box Five, remove the lid.  Place the box on the lid and introduce the material.
  4. Remove the pieces from Box Five (it may be necessary to slide the pieces from Box One closer together and up to the very top of the rug, for more work area.)
  5. Place the lid back on the box after showing the child that it is empty, and place the box below the First Box on the rug.
  6. Point to the large green square from Box One. Ask the child what it is.
  7. Say: “Let’s see if I can build a square with the blue pieces.”
    • Choose the two right angled isosceles triangles, construct a square and superimpose it on the green square.
  • Mix the blue pieces with the others, and offer it on the green square.
  • Point to the large yellow parallelogram, and ask the child to name it.
    • Construct the parallelogram using the two isosceles triangles. Superimpose it on the yellow parallelogram.
  • Mix, and offer the child a turn.
  • Next, point to the gray rectangle.  Follow the above procedure building the rectangle with two right angled scalene triangles.  Offer the child a turn.
  • Next, build the yellow parallelogram, then the green parallelogram using the two scalene triangles.
  • Build a rhombus with the two equilateral triangles, same procedure.
  • Make a trapezoid just like the red one, using one right angled scalene triangle and the obtuse angled isosceles triangle.
  • When the child can build the figures from the first box using the blue triangles with ease, put the first box away.