Lesson 1 of 19
In Progress

Box One – Rectangle Box – Contents

Collin December 31, 2021


  • Four right angled Isosceles Triangles:
    • Two green triangles with black lines on the hypotenuse.  They form a square.
  • Two yellow triangles with black lines on equal sides which inscribe the right angle.  They form a parallelogram.
  • Six right angled Scalene Triangles:
    • Two grey triangles with black lines on the hypotenuse.  They form a rectangle.
  • Two green triangles with black lines on the longer of the two sides, which inscribe the right angle.  They form a parallelogram.
  • Two yellow ones with black lines on the shortest of the two sides which inscribe the right angle.  They form an oblique parallelogram.
  • Two yellow equilateral triangles with a black line painted on one side.  They form a rhombus.
  • One red obtuse angled isosceles triangle with a black line on the hypotenuse.  One red right angled scalene triangle with a black line on the longer of the two sides which inscribe the right angle.  Together they form a trapezoid.