Lesson 4 of 19
In Progress

Box One – Rectangle Box – Third Presentation

Collin December 31, 2021
  1. Start with the large green square and teach the names of the parts that make up the total figure.
  2. “This is a _______ square.”  Separate the triangles that make up the square and say: “This square is made up of two very special triangles called right angled isosceles triangles.  Can you say _______?”
  3. Show the child that the large yellow parallelogram is also made up of two right-angled isosceles triangles.
  4. Present the two small parallelograms and the grey rectangle.  They are all made up of two right-angled scalene triangles.
  5. Do a three period lesson with the right angled isosceles triangle and the right angled scalene triangle.  Be sure the child knows that an isosceles is a triangle of two equal sides and the scalene is a triangle with each side of different length.
  6. Continue to present in a three period lesson the remaining triangles until the child has learned all the names.
  7. Replace the triangles into the box in the following order:
    1. Large green square to the left bottom of the box.
    1. Small green parallelogram to the right of the square.
    1. Large yellow parallelogram to the left, on the second level.
    1. Small yellow oblique parallelogram to the right of the large yeallow parallelogram.
    1. Place the gray rectangle to the right of the box, third level.
    1. Place the red trapezoid on the top of the grey rectangle.
    1. Place the yellow rhombus to the left of the grey rectangle.


  • Touching the black line.
  • Matching the triangles.
  • Indirect superimposing when triangles fit in the box.
  • Naming the shapes and the various triangles used to make them.


  • Black guidelines of triangles.
  • Color of triangles.


  • Show the various four sided forms constructed from two shapes.
  • Development of ability to discriminate geometric forms.
  • Growth in concentration and independence.


  • Preparation for Geometry.
  • Development of appreciation of line and form.
  • Development of creativity.


  • Names of quadrilaterals and names of triangles.